Colorful fruit jams will be a happy choice so that mother and baby can go to the kitchen together and create a bond with family members. Made from fresh fruits, fruit jam has a natural light sweetness and contains healthy nutrients to help children eat better and improve health. Let’s go to the kitchen with your kids and make the simple fruit jam recipe below!

Fruit jam is rich in vitamins, which help improve the immune system and enhance health to optimize metabolism. People who eat jam daily will have good resistance, can avoid common diseases such as flu or cough. Annam Gourmet’s fresh VietGap, G.Gap imported fruits will give you a variety of choices for your jam.

Fruit jam is also one of the popular foods, which are paired with bread to create a nutritious and convenient breakfast. You can use homemade fruit jam to spread on a sandwich every morning so that the children can take it to school instead of buying snacks from the street.


  • Cut the fruit into even pieces: Before you begin, quarter or half your favorite fruits, depending on their size.
  • Mash the fruit and sugar together: Mix the jam and sugar with a potato masher to release moisture from the fresh fruits while they simmer.
  • Boil the fruit for 20 minutes: Over medium heat, bring the fruit to a boil, stirring regularly. As the jam nears completion, the combination will begin with large, juicy bubbles and gradually transition to smaller, tighter bubbles.
  • Know when the jam is done: Simply trickle hot jam from the pot over the frozen spoon and let it cool for a few seconds. Run your finger through the jam – if it leaves a clear route and doesn’t fill in, you’ve got a solid set.
  • Jar and store the jam: Remove the jam from the heat after it has reached your desired consistency and transfer it to the clean jars. Before putting the jam in the fridge for long-term storage, cover it and let it cool fully.

Fresh fruits that meet VietGap standards are available at Annam Gourmet stores to give moms and kids a chance to go to the kitchen to make delicious jams and create many memorable moments together.